You’re invited to add your voice to this important research
St. Luke’s will be participating in a national survey exploring what is it like to be a part of a religious community today. The survey is part of the Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations (EPIC) research project and Faith Communities Today (FACT) research initiative. This particular survey aims to capture experiences of all the attenders within a given congregation (age 18 and up). This approach is not done often, making this survey a valuable opportunity to gain insights for the church today.

Our goal is for at least 50% of regular attendees (those who attend roughly once a month either in person, online, or both) to respond. It takes 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. We encourage you to respond by October 26. If you would like to participate but need an “offline” paper version, let us know by emailing
To participate: set aside 15-20 minutes and take a moment to reflect on recent worship services at St. Luke’s you’ve attended. Click on this link to the survey (it’s unique to St. Luke’s), and complete the survey.
Thank you!!
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