Lent begins with Ash Wednesday February 22

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The holy season of Lent provides six weeks of reflection, renewal and the opportunity to go deeper in the life of faith. Some give up habits that are not life-giving. Others take on new disciplines leading to greater faith, hope and love. Ash Wednesday is a powerful and meaningful entry into this season. St. Luke’s will offer services at 12noon and 7pm with the imposition of ashes. The noon service will be live-streamed on Facebook. Our guest preacher is Ryan Pemberton.

We will have daily devotional books available at the church and can recommend two published meditation books for this season. The first is Dr. Catherine Meeks book, The Night is Long but Light Comes in the Morning: Meditations for Racial Healing, and the second is by Kate Bowler, Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection. Order online or support your local book store.

This will be the seventh year for the Spiritual Pilgrimage! We gather as pilgrims and companions weekly during Lent and Easter to learn more about the Christian faith, share our spiritual journeys, and grow our connections with one another.

The Spiritual Pilgrimage begins this Sunday after service, February 26, at 11:30am. We meet both in person and via Zoom. Those who can join us in person will enjoy a meal together and we invite those on Zoom to have a bite to eat or beverage with you as well.

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