Updates! Help us to celebrate our community–past, present and future
We will gather Saturday, August 20 at the St. Luke’s Urban Garden (SLUG) from 12-3pm to enjoy good food, good company, and hear the story of communities past and present who have spent time on the grounds of St. Luke’s. Meet friends old and new, tour the property, and celebrate this place that has nourished so many lives (human, plant, and animal) over the years.
There will be a potluck in the garden and musicians are invited to bring their instruments and come jam. Bishop Melissa of the Episcopal Church of Western Washington will visit with us during our short program to bless the land and give thanks for the many hands that have tended it. Hear stories from the SLUG gardeners, and learn about what’s to come on the site.
Community members are invited to contribute a potluck offering. Sign up here:

Let us know you’re coming by using the Facebook event page!

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