December 6

Unlike the past six years, Bryon and I didn’t take our annual Advent retreat right after Thanksgiving.  Normally we spend four days at St. Andrew’s House on Hood Canal when it is quiet, cold and wet.  There are no distractions and we do a lot of reading and sleeping.  It is a great way to enter the season of Advent with its focus on waiting, watching and preparation.

This year with the move of Edible Hope to its new location at St. Paul’s UCC, construction going forward and growing congregational activities, we decided it was better to be present and active at church as Advent begins.  

I am grateful for the wonderful Advent event facilitated by Nancy Monelli on November 24.  Each morning I begin the day lighting the Advent wreath as I offer prayer and every night Bryon and I read the daily devotion from the booklet Nancy wrote.  This quiet time with the candle and (recently) the morning fog recreates the feel of Hood Canal and our retreat.  It gives me a moment to breathe before the busy day and at night, time to reflect and be grateful.

I hope you can find some time and space in your day to breathe, reflect and pray.  Our busy world and this busy season can be overwhelming and distract us from what’s really important.  There is always more we could be doing.  And yet, even when we are quiet or asleep or unable to function, the Spirit of God is at work breathing peace, grace, love, hope and joy on our weary world and in our weary bodies and souls.

Blessed Advent, dear ones,
Canon Britt